The year 2019 has been a very remarkable year. The school has been renovated. The
principal room has also got a new makeover. Tilings have been done in the two
classrooms. The activity room and classrooms are provided with new tables, chairs
and study materials for the co-curricular activities of the children. A new
trampoline has also been installed. New railing has been put up for the easy access
of the children to the auditorium. The principal room has also got a new makeover.
Education is the most powerful weapon, which you can change the
society at large.
For U.K.G Amos Boiginlun Singto Bist stood in the 1st position with
98.4%, Arnav/Arush in the 2nd position with 95.6% and Athrav Chaturvedi
stood in the 3rd position with the score of 94.4%. In U.K.G out of 17
students, 14 students score about 90%.
In the Annual Examination 2020 in class Nursery Gracelyn Kaur stood in
the first position with a score of 100%. J, Ann Matthew stood in the 2nd
place with 99.6% and Ladiang Arti Lynrah stood in the 3rd position with
99.5% out of 15 students 10 students score above 90%, 5 students score
about 80%.
For L.K.G Sakshi Kumari stood in the 1st position with 99.6%, Lathaiang
Mauria Sailo stood 2nd with 99.2% and Ritika stood in the 3rd position.
Out of 8 students in L.K.G 5 Students score about 98%.
School has been renovated
- The principal room has also got a new makeover.
- Tilings have been done in the two classrooms
- The activity room and classrooms are provided with new tables, chairs and study
materials for the co-curricular activities of the children.
- A new trampoline has also been installed.
- New railing has been put up for the easy access of the children to the
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